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Lingzhi/Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) is studied to improve immune system, lower blood cholesterol, and is also used as a tonic.
benefits: may help with weight loss as it catalyzes lipid oxidation may reduce blood cholesterol and prevent risk of coronary disease acts as an antioxidant and anti cancer due to phenolic compounds.
Green tea (Camella sinensis) contains cathechins including epigallocathechin gallate (EGCG), a natural antioxidant. EGCG
Sesamin is a compound found in sesame seeds and sesame oil. It belongs to a group of fibrous plant compounds known as lignans, along with a closely related lignan called sesamolin. This compound is known to promote anti-inflammatory effects, normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol, aid in vitamin E absorption, protect the liver, and contribute to...
benefits: may help with weight loss as it catalyzes lipid oxidation may reduce blood cholesterol and prevent risk of coronary disease acts as an antioxidant and anti cancer due to phenolic compounds
benefits: Dietary supplement Weight management
Mulberry leaf contains all essential amino acids, high calcium, and antioxidants such as quercetin, kaempferol, and rutin.
Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. The research in controlled experiment shows that Moringa: is a potent antioxidant helps lowering blood cholesterol, blood pressure helps blood circulation to relief of joint and muscle pain
The benefits according to research are: acts as antioxidants which helps the immune system. antiflatulent, anti-nauseous. keeps balance of the blood circulation.
Medical/Supplement Fact For relief of flatulence and indigestion.
Indicação: Tratamento da menstruação carminativo digestão gás flatulento, náuseas
Farmacologia clínica encontrou que a curcumina na cúrcuma pode: •Inhibit o acúmulo de beta-amilóide destrutivo nos cérebros de pacientes da doença de Alzheimer e pode também quebrar placas existentes associadas com a doença. •Acts como um promotor anti-tumoral e agente anti-inflamatório. •Acts como um anti-inflamatório, artrite reumatóide e redução da...
Nystatin/Tystatin 12 ml
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