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Garlic has been used as food and medicine since the age of the Egypt. In the past 20 years, well-documented health benefits include reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, improving circulation, lowering blood pressure and anti-oxidants among those who consume it regularly.
Features and benefits For relief of oozing eczema due to lymphatic disorders. Releases toxins in the body. Increases immunity. Prevent the growth of some cancer cells.
Sea holly (Acanthus ebracteatus) contains the active compounds Trigonelline and Acanthicifoline. Research shows that sea holly: alleviates itchiness resulted from allergy. may alleviate skin disease condition resulted from sexual transmitted disease.
Indicação: Alivia a tosse Alivia a frio Alivia da linfa ruim Melhorar o sistema imunológico
Natural frio-pressionado óleo contêm benefícios de saúde de 4 óleos prensado a frio: óleo de coco, óleo de alho + óleo de farelo de arroz + óleo de perilla
Num Mun Muay – Cream
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