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Regestrone 5 MG Tablet is a synthetic form of progestin and has a similar action to the female hormone, progesterone. It is used to treat menstrual disorders and abnormal vaginal bleeding in women caused due to hormonal imbalances. It is also used for birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Emergency contraceptive
Saheli 30 mg is used : Amenorrhoea Endometrial hyperplasia Endometriosis Contraception
Post menopausal hormonal replacement therapy Female hypogonadism Palliative treatment of cancer Oral Contraceptives
Birth control Painful Menstruation Hormonal Contraceptive Regularize periods Decrease ovarian cysts Acne Delayed Puberty Hormone Replacement Therapy Avoiding pregnancy after sexual intercourse
Num Mun Muay – Cream
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