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Lingzhi/Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) is studied to improve immune system, lower blood cholesterol, and is also used as a tonic.
Medical/ Supplement Fact Diuretic
Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. The research in controlled experiment shows that Moringa: is a potent antioxidant helps lowering blood cholesterol, blood pressure helps blood circulation to relief of joint and muscle pain
Sametto fornisce da lieve a moderato miglioramento dei sintomi urinari e misure di flusso in pazienti con iperplasia prostatica benigna (BPH).
Sea holly (Acanthus ebracteatus) contains the active compounds Trigonelline and Acanthicifoline. Research shows that sea holly: alleviates itchiness resulted from allergy. may alleviate skin disease condition resulted from sexual transmitted disease.
Indicazione: Trattamento delle mestruazioni carminativo flatulenza gas digestione nausea
Nystatin/Tystatin 12 ml
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