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Lingzhi/Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) is studied to improve immune system, lower blood cholesterol, and is also used as a tonic.
Medical/ Supplement Fact Diuretic
Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. The research in controlled experiment shows that Moringa: is a potent antioxidant helps lowering blood cholesterol, blood pressure helps blood circulation to relief of joint and muscle pain
Sametto provides mild to moderate improvement in urinary symptoms and flow measures in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Sea holly (Acanthus ebracteatus) contains the active compounds Trigonelline and Acanthicifoline. Research shows that sea holly: alleviates itchiness resulted from allergy. may alleviate skin disease condition resulted from sexual transmitted disease.
Indication : Traitement des menstruations carminatif de gaz flatulente digestion nausées
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