Momordica charantia Extract 100 Capsules
Momordica contains these following compounds:
1) Momordicin which prevents the loss of appetite.
2) Charantin: reduces sugar in blood, increases insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone
secreted by pancreas when the blood sugar is too high, and makes the sugar absorb
into other parts of the body instead of the blood.
3) AMPK: controls the blood sugar level.
Extraction process includes solvent extraction, evaporation, and spray drying, which
concentrates the powder 5-10 times.
Medical/ Supplement Fact
Increases appetite.
Recommended Dosage
2 capsule, 3 times daily, before meal.
Active ingredients per capsules
• Momordica charnatia extract 184 mg, equivalent to 2.16 mg of Momordica charnatia.
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