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Medizinischen Salbe für sanfte Heilung Verfügbar: 18 g, 36 g
Lassen Sie Blutgerinnsel verursacht durch Verstauchungen und Prellungen. Beruhigen Sie, schmerzende Muskeln und Gelenke (auch auf dem Hintergrund der rheumatischen Erkrankungen). Lockert verspannte Muskeln und Sehnen. Schwellungen, die durch Insektenstiche. Beseitigung von Prellungen und Verbrennungen helfen. Verfügbar: 25 g
Reparil – Gel N is a special preparation with a triple effect: reduces swelling an anti-inflammatory effect relieves pain Available in Size : 10 g, 20 g, 40 g
Indication : Improves the healing process of wounds
Kongka Balm is very good for bruising and tight muscles as well. It has a very relaxing scent . This balm is one of the most popular balms used in the massage industry. Kongka Balm is not as hot as Green Balm but is still hot at first and then goes cold after. Gold is the best for sand fly marks and mosquito bites. Available in size : 15g , 25g , 50g ,...
Salet Phangphon massage balm is very good for bruising and tight muscles and the scent will help you relax. It will first get hot and then go cold. Salet Phangphon Balm is also very good for the relief of sand fly marks, mosquitoes bites by taking away the pain and irritation of marks & bites. Available in size : 15g , 25g , 50g , 100 g
NUM Mun Muay – Creme
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