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Black pepper contains many aromatic volatile oils that contains a lot of health benefits.The active compound piperine, according to research, has the following health benefits: anti flatulent induces sweating
Dietary supplement from Ginger (Zingiber officinale). The active compounds are categorized as phenolic group which are gingerols, shogaols, and volatile oils. Gingerols reduce nauseous ness in pregnant woman. Shagaols encourages enzyme production which helps with flatulence.
The benefits according to research are: acts as antioxidants which helps the immune system. antiflatulent, anti-nauseous. keeps balance of the blood circulation.
The active compound group in Phyllanthus urinaria is the phenolic group. Research shows that Phyllanthus urinaria: alleviates fever. detoxifies poison related to fever. rejuvenates liver functions.
Medical/Supplement Fact For relief of flatulence and indigestion.
Clinical Pharmacology found that Curcumin in turmeric may: •Inhibit the accumulation of destructive beta-amyloid in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients, and may also break up existing plaques associated with the disease. •Acts as an anti-tumor promoter and anti-inflammatory agent. •Acts as an anti-inflammatory in rheumatoid arthritis and...
Indication : Treatment of flatulent
Nystatin/Tystatin 12 ml
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