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Benefits of Cordyceps: Cholesterol reduction Stimulation of the immune system Faster recovery from bronchitis and respiratory diseases Increased efficiency and stamina of the circulatory system Anti-tumor properties Liver protection and enhanced recovery from chemotherapy Sexual potentiator A general body adaptogen, resulting in...
Clinical Pharmacology found that Curcumin in turmeric may: •Inhibit the accumulation of destructive beta-amyloid in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients, and may also break up existing plaques associated with the disease. •Acts as an anti-tumor promoter and anti-inflammatory agent. •Acts as an anti-inflammatory in rheumatoid arthritis and...
Indication : Relieves cough Relieves Cold Relieves of Bad Lymph Enhance immune system
Opticide FC \ Praziquantel 600 mg 100 tablets
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