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Anomalien bei Funktionen des Gehirns wie Alzheimer verhindernʼs Krankheit wirksam bei der Behandlung leichte Migräne, Schwindel, kalt und gefühllos Gliedmaßen reduzieren Sie, Zittern der Hände und Füße
Dietary supplement from Ginger (Zingiber officinale). The active compounds are categorized as phenolic group which are gingerols, shogaols, and volatile oils. Gingerols reduce nauseous ness in pregnant woman. Shagaols encourages enzyme production which helps with flatulence.
Reduction of motion sickness. Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Relieve of chemotherapy-associated nausea and vomiting. Relieve pain in rheumatism, musculoskeletal disorder and osteoarthritis. Relieve pain in muscular discomfort, degenerative and inflammatory joint disorders. Have a broad anti-inflammatory action.
Nystatin/Tystatin 12 ml
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